We have partnered with the following delivery channels and all our products will be delivered only by them. We have linked with India Post, Professional Courier, S.T. Courier and Franch Express.

1. Shipping charges are based upon the location and quantity.
2. Order dispatching process will begin only after we receive the amount and confirmation from our bank.
3. Orders will be shipped within a period of 2 days after receiving the amount and will be delivered within 10 working days. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the product details.
4. Delivery of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order. In case of modifications, kindly drop us a mail at, within 1 hour of placing the order.
5. We take all necessary steps to deliver the order safely and in time to your location but we are not responsible for any occurring of non-delivery due to customer errors, i.e wrong, details during ordering. Customers are subject to and liable for any cost occurring for re-delivering.
6. We are no responsible for any delay / non-delivery of orders to the customers due to natural calamities or any cause that is beyond the control of our company.


1. Shipping charges for our international customers will be calculated during check out depending on the weight and dimensions of your order.
2. Any custom charges has to be borne by the customer (Our I/E code is 3512008127)
3. Our delivery partners are India Post & DHL. We also tie-up with other shipping company if we cannot dispatch through the above mentioned shipping partner.
4. Orders are delivered within 12 working days. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the product details.
5. Delivery of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order. In case of modifications, kindly drop us a mail at, within 1 hour of placing the order.