White Gulmohar is an erect tree, 6-10 m tall, with ash-colored bark. Leaves are 6-20 cm long, double-compound, like Gulmohar. Sidestalks are 4-8 pairs, 4-6 cm long, leaflets are l0-20 pairs, stalkless, linear- oblong, blunt, sometimes with slight point at the tip, narrowed towards the base, 7-15 mm long, 2-3 mm wide. Flowers are borne in racemes at the end of branches, the lower flower with the longest stalk, stalks hairy, up to 2.5-3 cm long. Sepals are 2-3 cm long, fused at the base, leathery, silky pubescent, oblong, narrow and sharp pointed. Flowers are white in the beginning, turning yellow, the upper petal is smaller and darker in colour, almost circular, curled at the margins, 2.5 cm long. Stamens are hairy, dark coloured, 5-10 cm long, thickened at the base. Pods are 12.5-20 cm long, 6-25 mm broad, smooth, narrow at both the ends, seeds 4-8. Within India, it is found wild in some parts of peninsular India and frequently planted as an avenue tree. Flowering: All year.
Medical Benefits:
Good for pain and used as laxative.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Hindi | Malayalam |
Delonix Elata | White gulmohar | Waykaran | Vatanarayana |