Marsh Barbel is a stout aquatic perennial herb, 1-2 m high. Erect unbranched stems are hairy near swollen nodes. Densely hairy, lance-like, stalkless leaves, 10-15 cm long, occur in whorls of 6 at each node on the stem. Straight, yellow, 4 cm long spines are present in the axil of each leaf. Flowers occur in 4 pairs at each node. The 3 cm long purple-blue flowers are 2-lipped – the upper lip is 2-lobed and the lower one 3-lobed with lengthwise folds. Flowers open in opposite pairs. Flowering: October-April.
Medical Benefits:
Good for Diarrhoea, body fluids and cough, reduce tiredness and Increases Semen and Blood count.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Hindi | Malayalam |
Hygrophila Auriculata | Marsh Barbel | भानकरी / Bhankari | വയൽച്ചുള്ളി / Vaya schulli |