Carpetweed is an annual weed in cultivated areas, in open grasslands, at low and medium altitudes. Stem, less than a foot tall, and branches are slender and hairless. The leaves are 1.5-3 cm in length, 3-5 mm in width, whorled or opposite, usually linear lancelike, and narrowed at both ends. The flowers are borne in compound cymes, with very slender and very short stalks. The sepals are 1.5-2 mm long. The capsule is as long as the sepals, and nearly spherical, with many seeds which are dark chestnut, thin-walled, and covered with raised tubercular points. Fairly common weed, ascending to 2300 m in the Himalayas. Flowering: September-October.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Tamil | Hindi | Malayalam |
Trigastrotheca pentaphylla | Carpetweed | பற்படாகம் | चमस / chamas | പർപ്പടകപ്പുല്ല് / parpadakapullu |