Common Leucas is an erect and diffusely branched annual herb. Flower are borne in distant spherical whorls, in uppermost leaf axils, 1-4, about 2.5 cm in diameter, about 16-20-flowered. Flowers are 8-10 mm white; upper lip short, densely bearded; lower lip clearly longer than upper and projecting forward. Sepal-cup is 7-9 mm, scarcely elongating in fruit, pale green, scarcely curved, with a prominently oblique mouth. Sepal teeth are 8-10, irregular in size, triangular, 2-3 mm long with short spinulose tips. Bracts narrow linear, about 1/2 length of calyces, long-fringed with hairs at margins. Stems are 15-30 cm with spreading short hairs. Leaves linear to linear lanceshaped, weakly rounded toothed to subentire at margins, wedge-shaped above and below; up to 5 x 1.5 cm with adpressed hairs on upper surface and a denser indumentum of short spreading hairs below especially on nerves; leaf-stalk subabsent to about 5 mm on lower leaves. Common Leucas is found in India, Himalayas, and broadly in Subtropical Asia.
Medical Benefits:
Good for Toxins, Excessive thirst, Fever, and Cough.
Botanical Name | Common Name | Hindi | Malayalam |
Leucas Aspera | Common Leucas | छोटा हल्कुसा / Chhota halkusa | Tumba |